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Hearts United, Lives Renewed

Solidarité Libanaise is not just an NGO; it’s a lifeline of hope and compassion connecting people across borders. Our ethos is deeply rooted in a profound commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of Lebanese people in need.

Our Vision

We aspire to be a beacon of trust and unity, fostering solidarity among communities and making healthcare accessible to those who need it most.

Our Mission

Our mission at Solidarité Libanaise is to provide secure and transparent channels for medical donations, ensuring that the compassionate contributions of donors in France directly reach Lebanese people in need. We are dedicated to saving lives, one heartbeat at a time, by facilitating crucial healthcare support with unwavering transparency.

Our Values

Honesty and Transparency

Unwavering dedication to providing secure and transparent donations for the medical sector.

Connecting Hearts

Bridging the generosity of donors in France with the pressing healthcare needs in Lebanon.

Combating Bias

At Solidarité Libanaise, we vow to combat all kinds of bias, and to put humanitarian needs first in every situation. We sort donations by urgency, not by political affiliation, race, or religion.